'The Temple Story'
I. Temple Site Origination (I Chronicles 21)
A. Designated by God (v.18)
B. Purchased by David (v.19-25)
C. Approved by God (v.26,27)
D. Sacrifice by David (v.28-30)
II. Temple Construction & Destruction
Past & Future
A. 1st: Constructed by Solomon-971 B.C.
(II Chronicles 1-5)
B. 1st: Destroyed by
Nebuchadnezzar-August 9, 586 B.C. (II Chronicles 36)
C. 2nd: Constructed by Zerubbabel-516
B.C. (Ezra 1-7)
D. 2nd: Destroyed by Titus August 9 A.D. 70-Beginning of Diaspora of
the Jews (Dan.9:26;Matthew 24:2)
E. 3rd: Construction-Before: Mid-Point
Daniel's 70th Wk, Day of the Lord, Great Trib'n (Dan. 9:27; II Th.2:7,8)
F. 3rd: Destruction-During The Day of
the Lord Judgment (Revelation 11:1,2)
G. 4th: Construction-During The
Millennium (Ezekiel 40-48)
III. Temple
Desecration Past & Future (Jewish Emphasis)
A. Past-Antichrist's Type-Antiochus
Epiphanes 167 B.C. (Daniel 8:9-25, 11:21-35; Zechariah 9:13-17)
1. Accurate Pattern
2. Actual History
B. Future-Antichrist-Mid 70th
Wk.-Beg.G.T.- Before Day of the Lord (Dan. 9:27; Mt.24:15; II Thess. 2:1-10)
1. Mystery of Iniquity
2. Man of Sin Revealed
C. Parallel Pattern for Both
1. Both enter into a covenant to
protect Israel (I Macc. 1:11,12; Daniel 9:27)
2. Both make covenants with the
many/majority (Macc. 1:11, 43, 52; Daniel 9:27)
3. Both groups of Jews apostasize
(I Macc. 2:15; II Thess. 2:3)
4. Both break their covenant
w/Jews (I Macc. 1:20,21; Daniel 11:31, 9:27; Matthew 24:15)
5. Both break their covenant by
introducing false gods into the Temple (I Macc.1:20,21; II Thess 2:4)
6. Both are opposed by some of the
Jews & many perish (I Macc. 1:62,63; Matthew 24:9)
7. Both occurrences Jews flee to
the mountains (I Macc. 2:27-29; Matthew 24:16-20)
8. Both occurrences many religious
Jews die/Sabbath violation (I Macc. 2:29-37; Matthew 24:20)