Christian Internet Evangelism: Outreach of BIBLE TRUTH MINISTRY INC. by Evangelist Larry Wolfe

Daily Discipline
for Doers of the Word/Work

(.....continued from Page I)

During the first part of the day when you are preparing your heart for serving the King of Kings our Daily Discipline must be flooded with the Word of God as we mentioned in Daily Discipline I. This is the only way we can be completely sure of the source of the voice when we receive a thought/message/direction. It is only by the Voice of the Holy Spirit that God speaks for even when an angel is sent from God as in the case of Philip in Acts 8 and many others throughout the Word of God it is still the Voice of the Holy Spirit in essence as the angel himself is sent from the Throne of God from which all authority proceeds!

Gabriel spoke to Zacharias the father of John the Baptist and in his reproof to him said 'I am Gabriel that stand in the presence of God...' and his mission was to speak the Word of God to Zacharias but we must recognize as in the example of Philip the Evangelist in Acts 8 who was priveleged to have an angel sent from God to direct his work, but when he approached the Ethiopian eunuch the Spirit of the Lord spoke from within saying 'Go near and join thyself unto this chariot' and the rest is history. Philip continued to be led by the Spirit and preached unto him Jesus and the Spirit drew the eunuch to Jesus and he believed and was baptized the perfect picture of the Biblical example of soulwinning obedience!

I said all that to say this, it is imperative that we recognize the Voice of God, and thereby 'Try the spirits to see whether they be of God' in a day when there is much spiritual confusion and the influence of Satan grows stronger! And so in our Daily Discipline we must employ spiritual DISCERNMENT as we 'lay aside every weight and the sin which does so easily beset us let us run the race with patience looking unto Jesus' eliminating DISTRACTIONS which can draw our minds away from the job at hand which is DIGESTING the Word flooding our very being with Him, calling on the powerful and holy Name of Jesus, worshipping Him moment by moment DELIBERATE in our actions, DISCIPLINED in our every thought, listening to His Voice all the while meditating on Him thanking Him for each individual blessing of His presence, His power, His person, DELIBERATELY reviewing the eternal spiritual blessings that He has given us through His Blood, Ephesians 1-3 lists at least twenty-four eternal unchanging spiritual blessings that are ours, and it is these eternal unchanging blessings that give us Victory over the World! Faith is the victory over the world, faith in who we are and the wonderful riches we possess in Him rather than the worthless rubble of this temporal world!!

Yes, as we recognize who we are in Christ Jesus and all that we possess in Him which is eternal and will never change we can rejoice in the midst of any assault the old serpent brings upon us as we see with our spiritual eyes what is real and reject the fleshly desires for the things that are unreal, the things that won't last, the things that will be burned up in that day! Oops, got to a little preaching there!

However, if we begin our day DOCUMENTING the blessings, being DELIBERATE in our actions and DISCIPLINED in our worship, letting circumstances fit into His plan, His pattern for our lives, we will hinder/eliminate the DESIRES of the flesh when we replace them with His blessings, DEDICATING ourselves afresh and anew each morning, and if necessary each moment, giving Him our DESIRES, our families, our possessions and most of all DEDICATING AND REDEDICATING if necessary ourselves to Him as a 'living sacrifice' on the altar of God living only to do His will! One preacher rightly said: 'One of the greatest prayers in the Bible is found in Psalm 143:10 'Teach me to DO Thy will for Thou art my God, Thy Spirit is good lead me into the land of uprightness' Amen and Amen.


Rev. Larry Wolfe--Evangelist
3015 Pelzer Hwy
Easley, SC 29642

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