BIBLE TRUTH MINISTRY On The Internet : Evangelist Larry Wolfe

"10 Keys to Experiencing the Psalms"

Before we list the 10 Keys it will be necessary to for us to commit to a simple but energetic reading plan of the book of Psalms. If we read the Psalm for the day, Psalm 1 on the 1st of the month, then add 30 which is Psalm 31, plus 30 more=Psalm 61, plus 30=Psalm 91, plus 30=Psalm 121and so on for each day of the month. This will get you through the entire book of Psalms in a month!

Then, when reading the Psalms use these 10 Keys for help in analyzing each individual Psalm:

  1. Pray for the Lord to 'Open your spiritual eyes that you might behold wondrous things' (Psalm 119:18)
  2. Pray for the Lord to reveal the Lord Jesus Christ in the Psalm
  3. Look for the theme, focus or emphasis of each individual Psalm
  4. Look for the 'T' factor: Thee, Thy, Thou words which show the psalmist's emphasis on the Lord
  5. Look for the commands from the Lord to the Psalmist for personal instruction
  6. Look for the commands from the Psalmist to you for personal application
  7. Look for the commands/requests from the Psalmist to the Lord showing his complete dependence on the Lord (Psalm 57:2--Theme Verse of Psalms)
  8. Look for the 'I wills' from the Psalmist showing his surrendered heart intent & example for the Christian
  9. Look for the 'I wills' from the Lord which are precious promises for the Christian
  10. Look for personal titles of the Lord: 'Thou art My Hiding Place' (Psalm 32:7) & make a personal list for your prayer time
The primary purpose of the Psalms is the teach us how to worship God by denying ourselves & exerting our full dependence on Him for all of our individual needs (Psalm 57:2). It is the training ground for the afflicted giving us the Biblical example of how to go through times of trouble and affliction God's way which makes it an invaluable tool for the newborn and experienced Christian alike.

SPECIAL TIP: For an added measure of God's Wisdom include the Proverb for each day of the month thereby reading thru the Proverbs also once a month!

Rev. Larry Wolfe--Evangelist
3015 Pelzer Hwy
# 16
Easley, SC 29642

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