BIBLE TRUTH MINISTRY On The Internet : Evangelist Larry Wolfe

Psalm 3


"But Thou O Lord, art a Shield for me, my Glory,
and the Lifter up of mine head" (Psalm 3:3)

When the pressures of persecution come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord lifts up a standard against them. He becomes our Surrounding Shield, altogether encompassing our soul with the protection only He can provide. The emphasis and theme of Psalm 3 is this Surrounding Shield, the Lord Jesus Christ our very present Help in time of personal affliction from those who would trouble us through physical persecution or spiritual pressure placed on us by the enemies of our soul.

Verses 1 & 2 show David under the pressure from those who are troubling him during the time his son Absalom rose up against him to take the position of king of the children of Israel. David acknowledges there were many who said "There is no help for him in God." This type of spiritual persecution is not uncommon to the child of God who is living Godly in Christ Jesus. If we are standing for what we believe, witnessing for the Lord Jesus, there will be those who will try to overthrow our Kingdom, as it were, when trouble arises in our life. Where is their God now? they mockingly say. Yes, those who have rejected the Lord Jesus Christ, those same people will attempt to over throw our faith, and will be the first to persecute with the words "There is no help for him in God."

Our response must be the same as David's faithful testimony in verses 3-6. His first statement reveals his full trust in the Lord as he flips the tables on his persecutors by relying totally on the Lord to bring him the victory. "But Thou O Lord art a Shield for me" the full meaning of this phrase portrays a Surrounding Shield of protection given to David to protect him from the fiery arrows and thrusting spears of persecution the enemy is throwing at his soul. The Lord Himself is this Surrounding Shield, it is the Lord Who is our Refuge and Strength, the battle is the Lord's! David also recognizes his Glory is found in the Lord. In the Lord alone David exalts, his boasting is centered on the Lord, and His power to deliver him in the midst of many persecutors. He also recognizes the Lord is the One Who is able to lift up his head, showing him to be the winner of the battle, the victorious one, who after the fury of conflict will come out with the victory provided by the Lord! "And now shall mine head be lifted up above mine enemies round about me... I will sing praises to the Lord" (Psalm 27:6)

Verses 4-6 give David's testimony of the Lord's working through prayer in the past: "I cried unto the Lord with his voice, and He heard me out of His holy hill. Selah." David's prayerful plea is listened to by the God of Heaven and the result is: "I laid me down and slept" the prayer of faith results in the peace of God which passeth all understanding, the same peace that David experienced also was present in the heart of Peter when imprisoned and threatened with execution on the morrow, he too was found sleeping, totally at peace with God, when the Angel came to deliver him! This same peace is available to the child of God, when praying in faith, trusting the outcome of our circumstances to Him who holds all the tomorrows in the palm of His Hand! "For the Lord sustained me." He upheld my going, He is the One Who by the Word of His Power upholds the universe. "He that spared not His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?" (Romans 8:32)

Verse 6 underlines David's confidence in the God's future workings: "I will not be afraid of ten thousands of people, that have set themself against me round about." Knowing that there is nothing too hard for the Lord, David in a rejoicing manner proclaims his fearlessness in the face of multitudes of persecutors. "If God be for us who can be against us?" (Romans 8:31)

David now appeals to the Lord in verse 7 to " me" emphasis on deliverance from present troublers. He points to God's past performance and calls to remembrance God's mighty dealings through physically smiting David's enemies in vital areas around the mouth and jaws illustrating complete and thorough victory over the persecutors. "Vengeance is Mine, saith the Lord, I will repay."(Romans 12:19) The ways and wisdom of God are the only ways to overcome those who set themselves up against the Lord and His Anointed! In these last days when persecution of the children of God is increasing we must lean heavily on Him, trusting Him for the outcome, allowing Him to do work! "Without Me ye can do nothing" (John 15:5)

Verse 8 underlines and emphasizes the truth stated above: "Salvation (Deliverance from the enemy) is of the Lord: Thy blessing shall be upon Thy people. Selah." Think, meditate on, and consider fully these things. The blessing of Lord Jesus Christ, through the presence of the Holy Spirit, is our Surrounding Shield in times of trouble, thereby allowing Him to put us in the midst of continual victory regardless of the circumstances!

Christian Internet Evangelism:
Internet Outreach of Bible Truth Ministry Inc.
Rev. Larry Wolfe--Evangelist
233 Lorraine Dr.
Travelers Rest, SC 29690

Your prayer support is greatly appreciated and we ask you to pray that the Lord would use this ministry for His honor and glory. Please contact me for information about scheduling a meeting, pulpit supply, prophecy teaching, soulwinning classes, or any other need you may have. (Please review our Doctrinal Statement)

Rev. Larry Wolfe--Evangelist
3015 Pelzer Hwy
Easley, SC 29642

Your prayer support is greatly appreciated and we ask you to pray that the Lord would continue to use this ministry for His honor and glory. Please feel free to contact us at any time with questions or comments.


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