Christian Internet Evangelism: Outreach of BIBLE TRUTH MINISTRY INC. by Evangelist Larry Wolfe

"Job, The Untouchable"

Part I

Although Job was thoroughly afflicted by Satan’s mighty onslaught, in the end he was truly ‘The Untouchable’ saint in view of eternity! God continues His protection and provision throughout Job’s tortuous journey of the devil’s fierce assault. But in the end Job came forth as gold. His deep-rooted character which was in the process of being molded by the Lord is what kept Him intact even though he vacillated time and again. His firm foundation as described by the Lord in chapters one and two remained intact.

The first word the Lord used to describe Job was ‘perfect’. This term emphasized the blameless character of Job. He was truly untouchable. No fault was found in his conduct or lifestyle. This word is similar to the first word found in I Timothy 3:2 ‘blameless’ and there it means ‘one that can not be laid hold upon’. Nothing can be said to demean the character of Job. The next thing the Lord tells us about Job is that he was upright. This word focuses on the word ‘true’. Job was first of all righteous, true to the principles of honesty. He was straightforward, a man who told it like it is, a man whose actions were based on truth and righteousness.

The third character trait zooms in on the source of Job’s character, he feared God! The fear of God results in godly actions. It was the driving force behind all of Job’s thoughts and actions. He had a reverential fear of God which led to his great faith…’Tho He slay me, yet will I trust Him’ Without the fear of God Job was nothing, for the fear of God produces great faith, and only those who have trusted in the Lord for salvation first of all have this faith building character trait. The fear of sinning against a holy God was at the foundation of Job’s character.

Now the Lord reveals Job’s spiritual growth when He tells us that Job ‘escheweth evil’. This old English phrase shows that Job had control of his fleshly desires, he turned away from evil, he crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts, he kept his body under and therefore was victorious over the world and the flesh the first two enemies of the soul. However, it was the third enemy, the Devil himself, that Job needed to get the victory over, and this great struggle encompasses the rest of the book of Job!

When the believer demonstrates his victory over the world by his faith (I John 5:4), not desiring the things of this world, but rejoicing in the eternal spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ Jesus (Ephesians 1-3) instead, he then moves to the next level of growth.

The flesh now becomes his main enemy which only can be overcome by yielding to the Spirit of God, crucifying the flesh, bringing the body under in submission to the will of God, not yielding to unholy desires and wants of the animal nature that dwells within all of us, but instead desiring those things that please God and promoted Godliness. Memorization and Meditation on the Word, Prayer, Fellowship, Preaching, Singing songs and hymns and spiritual songs, Ministering to others, Witnessing to those God sends into our path, yes, these things become the desire of the Spirit-filled saint who gets the victory over the flesh!

However, now the battle becomes an intense spiritual warfare, and the Devil and his demons become the great adversaries of your soul, and just as Job experienced, it seems as if ‘all the forces of evil break loose’ and there are conflicts and spiritual struggles everywhere. We are confronted with tragedy and at the same time triumph in ministry as they seem to run parallel as we witness to the lost and encourage and build up the saints. God gives great opportunity for His glory to be revealed even though we are embattled to the max, and oppressed on every side, but God gives a song, we are broken and rejoice with joy unspeakable because we recognize that God has chosen to use us for His glory.

And, although your friends may mistakenly respond to your calamity just as Job’s friends did, for they could only see on the outward appearance, you must continue on and allow the Lord to build you in spiritual strength, resisting the devil, causing him to flee from you, so that you might be able to ‘stand in the evil day, and having done all to stand’.

Proceed to Part II

Christian Internet Evangelism:
Internet Outreach of Bible Truth Ministry Inc.
Rev. Larry Wolfe--Evangelist
233 Lorraine Dr.
Travelers Rest, SC 29690

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