*Captivity *Conflict *Circumstance


I. Captivity of God's People (II Kings 15-25)


   A. Israel's Decline and Fall


   B. Reasons for Captivity


   C. Judah's Rise/Decline and Fall


II. Conflict of God's People (Ephesians 6)


   A. Actions for Standing


       1. Against the World


       2. Against the Flesh


      3. Against the Devil


   B. The Adversary of Standing


      1. Principalities


      2. Powers


      3. Rulers of the Darkness of This World


      4. Spiritual Wickedness in High Places


   C. The Armor for Standing


      1. Truth  2. Righteousness 3. Gospel of Peace 4. Faith 5. Salvation


   D. The Ammunition for Standing


      1. Word of God  2. Praying in the Spirit


III. Circumstance of God's People (Philippians 1-4)                                    --Favorites in Philippians--


   A. Rejoicing-Attitude of Prayer (1:4)                                                      1. Assurance of the Saint (1:6)


   B. Rejoicing- In Gospel Preached (1:18)                                                 2. Attitude of the Saint (1:21)


   C. Rejoicing-In Service Received (1:26)                                                 3. Aspects of the Savior (2:5-11)


   D. Rejoicing-In Fellowship w/Brethren (2:28)                                       4. Goal of the Saint (2:14-16)


   E. Rejoicing-Focus of Servant (3:1)                                                        5. Objective of the Saint (3:10)


   F. Rejoicing-Continually in the Lord (4:4)                                              6. Peace of the Saint (4:6,7)


   G. Rejoicing-In Time of Blessing (4:10)                                                  7. Power of the Saint (4:13)


                                                                                                                         8. Provision of the Saint (4:19)

Rev. Larry Wolfe--Evangelist
3015 Pelzer Hwy
Easley, SC 29642

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