Holy (Biblical) Warfare


   I.  The Man of War


       A. The LORD Jehovah (Exodus 15:3)


       B. The Man After God's Own Heart (I Samuel 16:18; II Samuel 17:8)


       C. The Man After David's Own Heart (I Samuel 17:33)


 II. The Men of War


      A. Attributes of Men of War (I Chronicles 12)


           1. Prepared for Battle


               a. Helpers of War (v.1, 17, 18, 21, 22)


               b. Armed (v.2, 33)


               c. Fit for Battle (v.8)


               d. Mighty Men of Valor (v.8, 21)


               e. Fierce (v.8, 14, 15)


               f. Experts (v.36)


              g. Could Keep Rank (v.33, 38)


         2. Hearts Knit (v.17)


              a. Not Double-Hearted (v.33)


              b. Perfect Heart (v.38)


              c. One Heart (v.17, 38)


         3. Method of Battle (v.23)


         4. Objective/Goal of the Battle (Motive) (v.23, 31, 38)


         5. Understood the Times (v.32)


         6. Under Authority (v.18, 32)


         7. Empowered by the Holy Spirit (v.18)


III. Master of War


    A. Physically Speaking (Revelation 19:11ff)


    B. Spiritually Speaking (Romans 6,7,8)




Rev. Larry Wolfe--Evangelist
3015 Pelzer Hwy
Easley, SC 29642

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